I am sure everyone has heard of a trash bar. If not: Trash Bar [noun.] a session for public trashing. I've decided to write my own hit list, since I have issues with countless members who are liars, cheaters, thieves, hackers, and scammers.
- AriannaCarle is a 13 year old girl. On her presentation it says 17 years old, please disregaurd this. She is (infact) a pre-teen. Quote Name: Arianna Rose Audrey Bella Cicilea Fleur end quote. Her name is not this long. When I first met her, it was Arianna Fleur point blank period. Alot of wannabes tend to add 5-10 clever fashionable names to make them seem superior, rare, and worth the fuss. Quote Living: Los Angeles, California end quote. This is not true. When I first met her, she was living in New York City. Quote Birthplace: Russia end quote. On her Polyvore it said, "I am American."
Quote Occupation: High-Fashion model (Taking a break, though) end quote. I've never heard of a 17 year old high fashion supermodel named Arianna Fleur. Infact, I looked her up on google and stardoll information came up. Interesting. Quote Relationship Status: Happily engaged end quote. She says she lives in LA, and she is 17. Los Angeles does not allow Parental Consent marriages anylonger. Quote Fiance' Information: Ethan, 18 years young end quote. Ethan doesn't exsist. Quote Parents: Mom and Step-Dad end quote. Arianna made a publicty stunt about 2 months earlier, about how she won't be on Stardoll for a week because she has to go to court. Why? Her "step father" is sexually abusing her.- Her Friends: Each and every single one of them knows about her lies. Believe it or not, I was her best friend on stardoll since June 2008. I know, I know. Shame on me. But I finally told her I was officially done with her in June 2009, lol. It took a year, yes.
- More Dirt: She's stolen pictures from the blog spoiledwildchild.blogspot.com but the blog was deleted by the owner shortly after she found out about Arianna's picture stealing. The real owner is absolutely beautiful and Arianna must have thought so, too. She also had a daughter named Lily Rose. But, after a month - she baby "died" of a disease. OK...
Here is the latter I wrote to her when I broke off the friendship:
Sent: 2009-06-14 23:54
Dear Liar,
I hope you cringe and shake when you read this letter. Whether you're embarassed that I know you're a liar, or humiliated or angry. It doesn't matter anymore. I know that you're not a high fashion model because I looked you up on google and nothing but stardoll information came up. I also know you're not engaged because L.A. does not follow the parent consent marriage policy anymore. That stopped in 2002. And Ethan doesn't exsist - an illiterate turtle could figer that one out. I have made countless attempts to forgive your lies, ignore them and still be friends with you. But I can't possibly be friends with someone I don't really know.
I enjoy talking to you, and I want to know the real Arianna. If you want, you can continue showcasing your fantasy life for the public and simply private message me about what you're really like. Sometimes I feel like Im getting into your fantasy life. All we ever talk about is fashion, your soap opera for a life or someone else. I just have no clue what to do. I don't want to throw away a year+ of friendship but friendship isn't a friendship if one is a liar.And I know that you stole those pictures. Infact, I saw the blog before I met you. Why did you lie? I want a mature reply.
If you're so immature that you can't reply to this and you just want to block me - then so be it. I didn't need you anyway.
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