I know many of you have gotten a msg from either Bluegreen86, Fayasi, or Emorox4eva asking to visit their page, vote them covergirl, and get on any other accounts that you have and vote them covergirl. Mel (b) was the first person to ask me, so I was like: "Ok. Sure, why not?" because I have been friends with Mel for a while now and I know she deserves to be covergirl. So, I voted for 5/5. I fowarded the msg to my friends and they did the same. Surprisingly, she won covergirl the next day. A few days later, I got a msg from Mayrel asking me to vote her covergirl, as well, after she saw the reward Mel got for sending out that msg. I did only because Sonny and I are good friends. Then, Fayasi sent me a msg as well a Emorox4eva. Neither of the two have ever contacted me for any reason other to benefit them with a vote from me. Why? I don't know; it seems like their just using me.
The point is, it was fine the first time. But stop with this "Vote me covergirl for $$" broadcasts. Covergirl was not created to be won over with bribes.
Oh yes, and: Legende Magazine spoiler coming soon.
@the stardoll community
Author: Kenziyah Manuella Zane at 5:54 PM 3 replies / comments
Chris Crocker: Queer of YouTube
I was surfing YouTube and came across a video from Chris Crocker. I have heard of him before; but never really checked him out. But, I finally got the oppurtunity to and this is what I came to the conclusion of; after watching: Chris Crocker demands that you leave Britney alone. Now, now now! *Sobs*
Quote Leave her alone! You're lucky she even performed for you BASTARDS!! Leave britney alone! *Gasps and tears* end Quote.
Quote anyone who has a problem with her; you deal with me; because she isn't well right now *gasp* leave her alone, please! end Quote.
I guess that means we .. . .. better not talk about Britney anymore or Chris will call all his twitter followers to .. [Dare I say it?] make videos titles "Leave Chris Alone!"! *Gasps and covers mouth*
Check out a few videos from Chris:
Well damn! Im a little pissed that even after the man has died, people are still saying how Michael was a pedofile and shouldn't have been honoured. Should I make a YouTube video saying Let Michael Rest? I'll add it to my ToDoList. .. .
To do list:
- Download more videos from Chris Crocker Done!
- Make a Michael Jackson YouTube video
- Breathe Done!
Author: Kenziyah Manuella Zane at 8:21 PM 0 replies / comments
Labels (classic225): Britney Spears, Chris Crocker, youtube
Graphics made by me
As you all know, I am an artist ::) I love photography, paiting, sketching, graphics designing, and basically anything that can help express my ideals without words. I recently made a few graphics: they are nothing very amazing but I think I am pretty good, right? << Marisol, 30, Dominician Republic
Author: Kenziyah Manuella Zane at 5:18 PM 0 replies / comments